Update On The Mobile Clinic
The Meriwether Foundation Mobile Clinic has officially arrived off the coast of Africa. It will soon be driven to our health center in Zambia to help provide health services to remote and needy communities! Thank you for your support.
Thousands of people living in rural African communities suffer unnecessarily from treatable and preventable health ailments due to a lack of access to health care facilities.
The Mobile Clinic Program is an initiative designed to bring much needed medical services to these communities to end the suffering and unneccessary loss of human life. Several times a week, medical vehicles will be deployed to rural communities. Each vehicle will have a team of trained medical professionals who will operate a free clinic.
To help pay for medicines, medical staff wages, gas, maintenance and so on, we need your support. You can give directly to this cause via The Meriwether Foundation Donation Catalog.
-The Meriwether Foundation Team